Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

Aku Cuma Nak Bagi Tau - 14 - Love Hurts.

"Love the one who loves u not the one who u love."

This is quote totally bullshit. Might be dumped is way much better than accept someone who you can’t love just because he/she loves you. Dont be so desperate lah.

One side of love never works.

And bear in mind; if you are in their shoes, you won’t couple with the one who accepts you just because of you love him/her. In other hand, he/she dint have any feeling on you.

What a loser you.

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14 ulasan:

  1. btul3....
    patut nye kena both sided l0ve.

  2. ye meh??tapi bole cbe pe ntok syg org yg syg kte..=)

  3. bercinta tu indah. nak bercinta tu boleh. tapi jgn lebih yang Satu.

  4. makin d lihatkan muka penyanyi dalam karoke kat vid klip tu mkn sakit hati.

  5. tepuk sblh x bez..ikh3..bunyik pown x menarik..huuu~

  6. i choose to be loved and love that person, because happiness is determined by both sides..

  7. yes, aku sgt xbersetuju pasal org ckp pick someone who loves u, coz i've saw my relative punye experience wen d person fall out of love wit u, he might just go. same thing.

  8. tapi x bulih...nak buat macam mana.....

  9. yup...bushit je...cinta xboleh dipaksa...die dtg sendiri...if kite pupuk jugak rase cinta tu kat org yg cintakan kite sdgkan kite xcintekan die...cinta tu rasenye pelik...macam xiklas...xsenang..xbhgia..

  10. sama laaa aku pun penat tepuk sorang2 ni,ahaha


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