Khamis, 12 November 2009

Aku Cuma Nak Bagi Tau 15 : Jangan Salahkan Boyfriend Kalau Dia Tiba2 Tarik Korang Ke Katil Masa Korang Tengah Bergaduh.

Yesterday, I went for a date.
And she is more than just an angel =)

A couple, on a fight.

What the girl says:

"This place is a mess!
C'mon, you and I need to clean this thing up.
Your stuff is lying on the floor.
You'll have no clothes to wear
if we don't do laundry right now!"

What the boy hears:
"blah, blah, blah, blah, C'MON
blah, blah, blah, blah, YOU AND I
blah, blah, blah, blah, ON THE FLOOR
blah, blah, blah, blah, NO CLOTHES
blah, blah, blah, blah, RIGHT NOW!"

Less talk more action.

Dont blame a man, for being a man. =)

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22 ulasan:

  1. tarik ke katil?? er..macam ex aku penah cakap plak. HAHA.

    terus tanak dah bf camtu. :))

    girls need secure. girls need pampered. certain time tu apa yg diorang nak cuma orang pujuk. ;)

  2. sangat hyperbola permintaan lelaki dalam 'lirik' tu..

    ko mcm tu gak ke weh?
    menakutkan pulak....isk T__T

  3. HAHA. boys tu ada masalah pendengaran ke? ;p

  4. slm perkenalan...



  5. hahahah...lelaki mmg mls nk dgr pompuan bebel...tapi bile xbebel sampai bile2 x berubah...
    pastu bile xdgr butir ape yg dicakap...mula salah tafsir...hahahahahah.....

  6. lelaki selalu nk ngelat tau bile pompuan bebel...pastu leh slh tafsir plak...huhuhu...


  7. hehe..agak bhaye la situasi cmtuh..
    tp smemangnye lelaki n prempuan xsame pemikiran..anyway, nice entry! xD

  8. @Afzan - Hey, not that scary lah.

    @All - Sexual things always funny. =)

  9. cukup duit, pergi nikah..
    tamat riwayat kesan degil!

  10. Hi,Kiz baru je join blog u..feel freen to follow us back and we klik2 each other time to time k..klik2

  11. Otak tros terfikir... Neyo - When You're Mad


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