Khamis, 9 Julai 2009

Tag Adalah Permainan Gadis-gadis Yang Feminin. Ya.

Aku main rembat je.

Tag ni bukan orang kasi. Tapi aku amik. Aku ambil dari loveitucinta apa entah nama blog tu. Lupa dah.

Sebenarnya dah ramai orang kasi tapi satu pun aku tak ambil sebab kurang berminat. Tapi tag ni, rasa nak jawab je. Ya, tag ni memang permainan perempuan. Dan ini adalah satu-satunya tag yang aku akan buat. Selain ni, aku tak akan buat apa-apa lagi tag. Tak ada tapi-tapi.

You are not alone - Arwah MJ.

1. How old are you?

19 this Nov 4. But I wish that I am 25 inside.

2. Are you single?

3. At what age do you think you'll get married?

At 30. Girls always dream of a 30 years old hubby.

4. Do you think you'll marry the person you are with now?
Never. Couple too long will never long lasting in marriage. Something like that.

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
Olivia Wilde? She is always in my dreams.

5. What types of girl do you wish?
Shy-shy cat. Less talking. Not so social. Cute. Fair.

6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
Eileen Boylan and Randy Orton?

7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?

Modern. Me, pakai tuxedo. Perempuan pakai Jubah seluar. Sesuai mungkin. Tudung wajib. Aku suka gadis bertudung. Nak-nak tudung yang lilit liher longar sket then dipinkan kat bahu sebelah kiri. Sampai sekarang aku tak tahu apa nama style tudung tu.

Perfect and beautiful.

8. where do you plan to go on honeymoon?

Korea and Japan. Aku suka cerita Korea dan Jepun. Banyak koleksi.

9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
Dunno. 400?

10. will that include your exes?


11. how many layers of cake do you want?

Two. Maybe just one. We share everything in a layer. Layer of life.

12. when do you want to get married, morning or evening?
Night. Midnight perhaps.

13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding..
I dont want to miss a thing - Aerosmith.
Halena - MCR

14. ur wedding colour theme?

Black and white.
Pink and black.

15. do you prefer fine dining or just normal?

Anyhing would do.

A cup of love.

16. champagne or red wine?
Rebull and Livita. My fav.
Hot nestlo the best.

17. honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
Right after nikah. Perkara baik tak elok di lambat-lambatkan. Dah halal kan.

18. money or household items?

Money. It rules.

19. How many kids would you like to have?

As less as I could. 10? 20?

20. will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?

21. ur dream present fr0m ur future husband
A girl. Because Im not gay.

22. whose wedding plan would you like to know next

Nysa, Zarif, Wawa, Irah and Fahim. Pastikan pasangan kau perempuan, fahim.

11 ulasan:

  1. "As less as I could. 10? 20?"

    less ek? lol

  2. tak sangka lak ko minat tag yg ni..
    aku pernah dpt tp mcm x wat je..hoho
    aku klu boring baru layan tag..

  3. aku xsuke maen tag2 nie..
    so aku bkn feminin la ye?
    btol la tue

  4. aku tak dapat imagine gaya tudung yg ko gambarkan tuh..

    i lurve 'i dont want to miss a thing - aerosmith'

  5. tag untuk topik kesihatan kurang la
    sila sesiapa hasilkan

  6. tudung wardina sepiah..wahaha

  7. oh I get it. kamu feminim? its okay. saya fhm...

  8. just can say wow :D

  9. We share everything in a layer. Layer of life <-- ayt ni best ;D

  10. @Ayie - Okay. Hmm. 30?

    @Fiza - Bosan atau tak. Aku akan buat tag bila aku rasa nak buat. =)

    @Irah - Ya, tomboi.

    @Arfahad - Lilitan belah kanan mungkin >,>

    @Myself - Kau mulakan lah =)

    @Anoy - Mungkin.

    @Fahim - Aku tau kau tak nak jawab. Sebab tu aku offer.

    @Kika - Terima kasih kerana memahami. Haha!

    @Aida - Wow too.

    @Farhana - Ayat iklas =)


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